Nudity, the nude. In the modern image, ever since nudity was detached from its theological reason, nudity has been a clothing the artist has at his disposal; being nude is something the character dresses to be. The modern condition of the nude liberates it from any anatomical relation - being undressed has somewhat ever a theological and anatomical condition, it still stands as a part of the conception of the pure and revealed, the naked. In this video, Katharina Barbosa contemplates on the plasticity of the flesh - its reason and significance. The images brings our thoughts towards a slaughter house where any kind of meat is assimilated to an essentiel appearance as flesh.
Victor Chakravarty.
Jeg har behandlet en bok av Bettina Rheims nærmest som et tresnitt, og kuttet i dybden av boken og fotografert hvert «kutt». Hvert lag blir et nytt bilde som jeg har skannet og gjort til en del, ett bilde, i en film som viser transformasjonen av boken i sin helhet.